
Orange and red background. At the bottom right is a photo of Hakata modern yaki (okonomiyaki and noodles). At the top it says OTAFUKU SAUCE x SHIN-SEN-GUMI IRVINE / HAKATA MODAN YAKI in bold white letters, with the Otafuku Sauce logo to the left and the SSG logo to the right. At the bottom left of that it says 2/23 (SUN) ALL DAY, and below that is a photo of a hand holding a circular cut-out OtafukuxNaruto Sticker. Above that it says OTAFUKUxNARUTO STICKER GIVE AWAY. At the very bottom, in a square box it says SHIN-SEN-GUMI HAKATA RAMEN & UDON IRVINE, 6404 Irvine Blvd. Irvine, CA 92620 (Woodbury Town Center ).
Date 2/23 (日), 2025
Time All Day

新撰組 博多ラーメン・うどん アーバイン店


🔥 おたふくソース × SSGアーバイン 1日限定の特別コラボ!🔥

博多モダン焼き $15


🎁 おたふくソース × NARUTO 特製ステッカー付き!(1オーダーにつき1枚)




Shin-Sen-Gumi Hakata Ramen & Udon Irvine
Woodbury Town Center 6404 Irvine Blvd. Irvine, CA 92620
