
At the top, in bold white letters inside a black rectangle, it says "SHIN-SEN-GUMI YAKITORI GARDENA LUNCH 32nd ANNIVERSARY," and below that, on a Japanese-style gold and ivory background, it says boldly, "SELECT LUNCH ITEMS 20% OFF SALE!" Below that is another black rectangle with pale yellow letters saying "4/12(Sat) & 13(Sun) 12:00~15:00." Below that are photos of four items on sale, from left to right: Yakitori Plate, SSG Combo Plate, Yakitori Bowl, DX SSG Combo Plate. The SHIN-SEN-GUMI logo is at the bottom center of the screen.
Date 4/12(土) & 13(日), 2025
Time 12:00pm~3:00pm

新撰組 焼き鳥 本店


🔥 焼き鳥ガーデナ本店ランチ営業32周年🔥

日頃のご愛顧に感謝を込めて、4月 12日-13日、ランチ12 PM から 3 PM まで、下記の人気4アイテムを 20% off にてご提供させていただきます!

✨ Yakitori Plate
✨ Yakitori Bowl
✨ SSG Combo Plate
✨ DX SSG Combo Plate


ぜひご来店ください 🎉


Shin-Sen-Gumi Yakitori (Original) – Gardena
18517 S.Western Ave. Gardena, CA 90248
